trivision sign board Dhaka Bangladesh

A trivision sign board is a three-sided, rotating billboards that are often used to advertise businesses and services. The sign board is a popular way to advertise in Dhaka, Bangladesh, because they are eye-catching and can be seen from a distance. Trivision sign boards are an effective way to advertise businesses and services in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The sign boards are three-sided and rotate, which makes them eye-catching and visible from a distance. businesses that want to advertise in Dhaka should consider using a trivision sign board to reach a large number of people.

1. Trivision Sign Boards in Dhaka, Bangladesh 2. A Brief History of Trivision Sign Boards 3. How Trivision Sign Boards Work 4. The Advantages of Trivision Sign Boards 5. The Disadvantages of Trivision Sign Boards


1. Trivision Sign Boards in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Trivision sign boards are a type of advertising that uses three images that rotate to create the illusion of motion. They are commonly seen in busy areas such as streets and highways. Trivision sign boards in Dhaka, Bangladesh are used to advertise a variety of products and services. The city of Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh and it is one of the most populous cities in the world. It is also one of the most densely populated cities. This means that there are a lot of people in a small area and that there is a lot of traffic. This makes Trivision sign boards an ideal way to advertise because they are sure to be seen by a lot of people. Trivision sign boards are a great way to get your message across. They are eye-catching and they capture the attention of people who are driving or walking by. They are also a great way to advertise sales or special promotions. If you are considering using Trivision sign boards to advertise your business, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that your images are high quality and that they are rotating at a reasonable speed. If the images are of poor quality or if they are rotating too quickly, it will be difficult for people to see them and they will not be effective. Second, you need to make sure that your message is clear and concise. You want people to be able to understand your message quickly and easily. Trivision sign boards can be a great way to advertise your business. They are eye-catching, they capture the attention of people, and they are a great way to advertise sales and promotions. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind when you are using them. Make sure that your images are high quality and that your message is clear and concise.

2. A Brief History of Trivision Sign Boards

In the early days of Dhaka, Bangladesh, trivision sign boards were a common sight. They were used to advertise products and services, and to inform the public about upcoming events. Trivision sign boards were also used to display the hours of operation for businesses. Trivision sign boards were first used in the United States in the early 20th century. They were invented by John A. Harper, who was issued a patent for his invention in 1903. Trivision sign boards were originally intended for use in railway stations. Harper’s patent described a trivision sign board as a “system of animation” that could be used to display a sequence of images. Trivision sign boards became popular in Dhaka in the 1970s. They were used by businesses to advertise their products and services, and by government agencies to disseminate information to the public. Trivision sign boards were also used by political parties to promote their candidates during election campaigns. Trivision sign boards fell out of use in Dhaka in the late 1990s. The advent of digital media, such as television and the Internet, made trivision sign boards obsolete. Today, trivision sign boards are a rare sight in Dhaka.

3. How Trivision Sign Boards Work

Trivision sign boards are a type of electronic display that uses a rotating disc to create the illusion of three separate images. The disc is made up of three different sections, each with its own image. When the disc rotates, the images appear to move and change. This type of sign board is often used for advertising and can be found in many different sizes and shapes. They are often used in high-traffic areas, such as shopping malls and busy streets, to attract attention to a particular product or service. How do Trivision sign boards work? The most basic explanation is that each image is displayed on one third of the disc. As the disc rotates, the images appear to move and change. This is because our eyes perceive the images as different when they are in different positions. However, the way that Trivision sign boards work is a bit more complicated than this. The images are actually printed on a transparent film, which is then placed on the disc. The film is designed so that each image is only visible when it is in the correct position. The reason that Trivision sign boards are so effective is that they exploit a principle called persistence of vision. This is the phenomenon that allows us to see a continuous image even though the image is actually made up of a series of still images. If you have ever seen a film or a television show, you have experienced persistence of vision. The film or TV show is actually a series of still images that are shown in rapid succession. However, your brain automatically fills in the gaps between the images to create the illusion of a continuous moving image. Trivision sign boards work in a similar way. The images are printed on a transparent film and are only visible when they are in the correct position. However, because the images are rotated at high speed, your brain automatically fills in the gaps and creates the illusion of three continuous moving images.

4. The Advantages of Trivision Sign Boards

There are several advantages to using Trivision sign boards in Dhaka, Bangladesh. First, they are an effective way to communicate with potential customers. By using Trivision sign boards, businesses can reach a large audience with their message. Second, Trivision sign boards are cost effective. They are a cheaper alternative to traditional advertising methods, such as print or television. Additionally, Trivision sign boards can be reused and are therefore a more sustainable option. Third, Trivision sign boards are eye-catching and attention-grabbing. This is due to their rotating nature, which allows for multiple messages to be displayed. This makes them ideal for promoting sales or special offers. Finally, Trivision sign boards are durable and weather-resistant, meaning they can withstand the harsh conditions of Dhaka.

5. The Disadvantages of Trivision Sign Boards

Trivision sign boards have been a popular form of advertising for businesses in Dhaka, Bangladesh for many years. However, there are some disadvantages to using these types of signs. One of the biggest disadvantages of trivision sign boards is that they can be quite difficult to read from a distance. This is because the text on the sign is often divided into three sections, with each section rotating independently. This can make it difficult for people to read the sign from a distance, as they have to try and follow the text as it rotates. Another disadvantage of trivision sign boards is that they can be quite distracting. This is because the rotating sections of the sign can often cause a flickering effect, which can be quite distracting for people nearby. Another problem with trivision sign boards is that they are often not very durable. This is because the rotating sections of the sign are often made from relatively flimsy materials, which can break easily. This can be a problem if the sign is located in a high traffic area, as it is likely to get damaged quite frequently. Overall, trivision sign boards can be a good way to advertise your business. However, they do have some disadvantages that you should be aware of before you use them.

The trivision sign board in Dhaka, Bangladesh is a huge, three-sided billboard that rotates between ads. It is one of the largest trivision sign boards in the world and is a popular tourist attraction.